Monday, June 22, 2009

Leadership and Management Complementarity of Superperformance

"[In 1961] I had occasion to discuss Bohr's ideas with the great Japanese physicist [Yukawa], whose conception of the meson with its complementary aspects of elementary particle and field of nuclear force is one of the most striking illustrations of the fruitfulness of the new way of looking at things that we owe to Neils Bohr. I asked Yukawa whether the Japanese physicists had the same difficulty as their Western colleagues in assimilating the idea of complementarity ... He answered `No, Bohr's argumentation has always appeared quite  evident to us; ... you see, we in Japan have not been corrupted by Aristotle." -- Rosenfeld, Physics Today 16, (Oct 1963), pg. 47.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So the new optimization . . .

is of course about harnessing the complementarity principle in your life and in the life of your organization, for maximum benefit and value. Niels Bohr, father of BOTH the atomic understanding and the particle-wave duality (complementarity principle) brought us this understanding of reality almost a century ago. A classically mechanical view of the universe ignores the fundamental requirement for a right brain, in part because there has never been a way to interact with it, with the complementarity principle in a practical way before, in organizations. It has not been seen before now, the complementarity of fully distributed management and leadership found in Superperforming organizations . . . . It has not been conventional wisdom that super-power can become unlocked in an organization from the inside out, leading to maximum wins and astonishing levels of responsibility an commitment.

But considering that the duality of process and culture is the particle and the wave of optimization is a powerful and shockingly simple super-paradigm to adopt.

The astonishing truth is that the mechanics of super are a quantum mechanics.