Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fame is Fleeting

Two Superperformance stories, "What Makes a Superperforming CEO?" and"Who's Next?" were bumped to the front page of today. Exciting news for the Corpus Optima family and for advocates of Servant Leadership andSuperperformance. Earlier this month Dave Guerra spoke about the 'way of being'of a Superperforming organization to a record crowd for Houston's OrganizationDevelopment Network. In today's world of information overload and nonosecondexposure, fame is especially fleeting. But one thing that doesn't flee is thetruth. Truth is evergreen. And if Manage Process, Lead People is the essential heurisitic, if PxC is the true sweet spot of Superperformance, the signal can only grow stronger. Eventually truth will out. Truth is a witness unto itself.

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