Saturday, August 30, 2008

Second Order Change

"When the manuscript for Out of the Crisis was circulating at MIT over 30 years ago we used to talk about the two hemispheres. Deming would refer to a process and a behavioral side to the thing, to optimization."
Paul Hertz, Ph.D., Deming Colleague

There is a second-order change in dimension when you go from Flatland to Sphereland.

Second order change is change that transforms a system entirely. Second order change is also defined as a critical phase transition. In a critical phase transition as the information, energy, or temperature passing through a system reaches a tipping point, the system experiences a period of perturbation, and then suddenly transformation, it has "escaped" to a new steady state.

It is the same simple experience as falling in love, first one state, then disequilibrium, then suddenly, out of time, a new state, a new "way of being." Same molecules, now transformed.

In the case of Machine View vs Organism View of organization, the change is a symmetry-breaking escape from a self-limiting paradigm of reality. The mechanistic paradigm of organization is giving way, to essentially, a quantum paradigm. The sweet spot of optimization is particle and wave and they go together.

Process and Passion, Tangible and Intangible.

The physics of optimization are quantum physics.

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